Forest data to improve the unit economics of healthy forests, starting with the Amazon.
Bioverse identifies and enables new revenue streams for customers that manage or restore biodiverse forest systems, especially in the Amazon.
Bioverse helps to strengthen Non-Timber Forest Product supply chains, by connecting buyers and harvesters with digital tools and AI-driven analysis of forest canopy.
Whether you are a bulk buyer of Non-Timber Forest Products or whether you are creating forest conservation projects for carbon credits, Bioverse can help add financial resilience and upside to your work.
Bioverse co-designed digital tools with indigenous and local communities to ensure that the tools are easy to use and high impact.
Artificial Intelligence, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems, Ecology, Agriculture, UAV, Biodiversity, Non-Timber Forest Products, Agroforestry, Productive Conservation, Forest Restoration, Tropical Rainforests, Carbon Credits, Biodiversity Credits, Bioprospecting, Bioeconomy, Indigenous and Local Communities, Forest Inventory, and Digital Public Goods