Sand to Green
We cultivate deserts to create arable lands through desalination and agroforestry. Our plantations are green investment.
Agriculture is the second bigger CO2 emittor sector, mainly because of deforestation and our need of arables lands to feed an ever growing population. From Sand to Green tackle this problem by creating new arable lands in desert through agroforestry and desalination.
Carbon capture and certification, Seawater and brackish water desalination, Positive impact agriculture, Ecological modelling, Agroforestry, and Adaptive management
We Cultivate Deserts | Sand to Green
Sand to Green transforme les déserts en écosystèmes florissants en utilisant la désalinisation solaire et des techniques d'agroforesterie innovantes pour produire de la nourriture et du biocarburant tout en capturant du carbone et en luttant contre le changement climatique.