MAPPEM Geophysics
Marine electromagnetic and resistivity imaging systems delivering enriched subsurface and environmental knowledge
MAPPEM Geophysics (established in 2015) is an innovative French company specialising in marine electromagnetics. We develop state-of-the-art electromagnetic instruments and methods and conduct electromagnetic site investigations and surveys for nearshore and offshore projects. We pride ourselves on providing our clients with new insight into the characteristics of the marine subsurface, the location of potential buried hazards and objects, and the measurement of ambient electromagnetic fields in the marine environment.
Our highly sensitive marine electromagnetic systems can be used for several challenges:
● Geophysical resistivity imaging of the subsurface (e.g., imaging lithology, porosity, heterogeneities, beneath acoustic masks).
● Detecting and locating buried objects and hazards (e.g., identifying ferrous and non-ferrous UXO (LMBs), boulders, archaeology).
● Measuring ambient electromagnetic fields (e.g., assessing environmental or anthropogenic impacts, mapping geothermal plays).
● Executing R&D projects in various fields such as defence, environment, deep sea exploration, etc.
From our workshop near the rugged coast of Brittany, France, our dedicated team is always on deck to help deliver greater knowledge about your marine subsurface or environmental challenge.
Marine Geophysics, Electromagnetics, Resistivity, Buried object detection, Geology imaging, EM fields measurement, Marine site investigation, Environmental impact assessment, and UXO
MAPPEM Geophysics
MAPPEM Geophysics : société française de prestation de services de géophysique marine spécialisée dans les investigations électromagnétiques.