Azoco2 Bilan Carbone
[Automatic translation follows] Reduce your environmental impact and raise awareness among your employees about climate issues.
🌳 Support to reduce your environmental impact.
🌳 Calculation of your company's Carbon Footprint, with the Official Method of ADEME and ABC (Association for Low Carbon Transition).
🌳 Experts Certified by BPI France (DecarbonAction program).
🌳 The Climate Fresco. Awareness sessions lasting between 1h30 and 4h on climate issues for your employees and calculation of their personal carbon footprint.
Carbon Footprint, Environment, Emission Reduction, and Environmental Training
Azoco2 | Conseil environnemental | France
AZOCO2 est un cabinet de conseil environnemental qui vous accompagne dans la transition écologique de votre entreprise. Calcul du Bilan Carbone; stratégie RSE et sensibilisation climatique (Fresque du Climat & atelier "2 Tonnes").