Aquaponia, l'aquaponie by Echologia
[Automatic translation follows] With aquaponics, be innovative and take back control of your food!
Everything about aquaponics: training, development, animation, research, project management, aquaponic kits, facility tours...
Aquaponics is an agro-ecology system par excellence that consists of combining in a virtuous circle the cultivation of plants in hydroponics and the breeding of fish or crayfish in aquaculture. The principle is to create an ecosystem that copies Nature to produce vegetables and fish in a simple, healthy and abundant way thanks to bacteria!
It's exciting and very accessible.
On Echologia we want to offer you the broadest possible approach to enter the aquaponic world at the level and through the door you want!
aquaponics, ecological aquaculture, sustainable development, urban agriculture, agro-ecology, hydroponics, bioponics, fish, crayfish, gardening, vegetables, and aquatic vegetable garden
Accueil Aquaponia Formations Installations Visites Aquaponie - Aquaponia l'Aquaponie by Echologia
Accueil Aquaponia, Formations, Installations et Visites Aquaponie. Tout sur l'aquaponie (aquaponics) éco-système vertueux qui marie la culture végétale en hydroponie avec l'élevage d'animaux aquatiques en aquaculture pour nourrir la planète de demain.