[Automatic translation follows] Cooperate for biodiversity
Ecologists, our solutions promote the preservation of biodiversity, especially urban.
Manufacture of birdhouses, fauna inventories, installation, ecological monitoring, maintenance, activities, conferences, communication media, ...
SCOP (Société Coopérative et Participative) founded by 3 partners including two professionals in ecological sciences and a carpenter whose vocation is to support companies, communities and individuals in improving local biodiversity.
We act on the leading cause of biodiversity loss, which is habitat loss through wooden shelters designed to mimic natural habitats.
Birdhouse occupancy rates are over 65% from the first year, even in urban areas.
We provide diagnostics of reception potential, maintenance reports, activities for young and old and conferences to raise awareness of ecological sciences among as many people as possible.
Design of wooden shelters, Installation of nest boxes, Biodiversity management advice, Solitary bees, Bat boxes, Maintenance of nest boxes, Fauna inventories, Bioacoustic listening, Ecological monitoring, Awareness, Activities, and Communication media
Symbiosphère Nichoirs Français
Nichoirs oiseaux, gîtes à insectes et refuges à mammifères et amphibiens fabriqués localement avec du bois issu de forêts durables. Conçus et réalisés par une société coopérative (SCOP) de menuisiers et d'écologues pour préserver la biodiversité.