Let's transform waste into ressources
We offer a solution for identifying different types of plastics.
➡️ Are you a sorting center?
This device will allow you to identify sorting rejects and/or perform quality controls ✅
➡️ Are you a recycler?
This device will allow you to control the material delivered at the entrance of your site 🚛
➡️ Are you a recycler?
This device will allow you to evaluate the composition of a batch in order to avoid unpleasant surprises during a purchase 🔎
Our solution adapts to all your needs:
➡️ Easy to use
➡️ Portable & light
➡️ Reliable
➡️ Affordable even for small volumes
🇫🇷 This tool is made in France 🇫🇷
plastiques, spectrométrie, optique, tri, valorisation, recyclage, SocEnt, Economie Circulaire, identification, broyat, déchet, IA, tri des déchets, and ergonomie