Prevent today and anticipate tomorrow microbiological risks in aquatic environments
In the context of climate changes and diverse pollutions, waterborne microbial threat has been increasing during the last decades causing billion Euros of direct and indirect economic losses worldwide. Unfortunately, the current monitoring programs which are essentially based on microscopic observations and analytical chemistry, are not suited to anticipating risks and give results when already to late to act.
Microbia Environnement is a biotech company founded in 2013 which aims to bring a unique selling proposition to give stakeholders a step ahead for timely water management actions to protect end-users, biodiversity and economic activities.
Our company proposes a disruptive technology based on highly-sensitive genetic biosensors for the detection of actively growing microorganisms in aquatic ecosystems which allow proliferation trends drawings, therefore toxic risks anticipation because of near real-time results.
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Biosensor, Water, Cyanobacteria, Microalgae, Watermanagement, HAB, Molecular tools, Environment, Sequencing, and Barcoding
Microbia Environnement mesurer diagnostiquer la toxicité microbienne eau
Biocapteurs génétiques pour cibler les micro-organismes vivants et actifs susceptibles de proliférer et d’engendrer une toxicité de l’eau.