Label Zéro Résidu de Pesticides
[Automatic translation follows] A label created in 2018 by French farmers committed to an approach of agricultural and environmental progress.
We, French farmers, are committed together to sustainable agriculture whose priority mission is common, human and environmental health.
Produce better to eat better, ensure France's food sovereignty, serve the living and our territories, give farmers back the place they deserve in our society.
Our commitments to the Collectif Nouveaux Champs are also yours! We want to reconnect with you, citizen consumers!
The Zero Pesticide Residue label is becoming part of French shopping carts
It brought together 6.6 million buyers in 2023, who can find foods labeled "Zero Pesticide Residue" in 6 departments of the GMS (Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Frozen Foods, Dried Fruits, Savory Groceries, Liquids and Wines).
New: launch of the biodiversity label in 2024
After the “Zero Pesticide Residue” label launched in 2018, the Collectif Nouveaux Champs is proposing a promise in 2024 linked to its commitments in favor of biodiversity, to reveal to consumers the results of its progress approach: “Preserve and restore biodiversity”.
fruits, vegetables, wine, pasta, guarantee, pesticides, label, agriculture, and fruit juice
Le Collectif Nouveaux Champs, pour le “Zéro Résidu de pesticides”…
Nous sommes un mouvement citoyen de producteurs français engagés dans une démarche de progrès agricole et environnemental. Nous défendons le bien-manger.