[Automatic translation follows] We help professionals and communities to enhance their territories or sites and to carry out projects there.
Benefit from the vision ahead with GÉOSMARTIC:
We boost the attractiveness of your community thanks to your interactive HD map (10 to 100 x in progress vs satellite) and multi-layers to emphasize your businesses, municipal services, heritage, hiking trails and ZAC in particular. Your 3D buildings give volume to your municipality. The HD resolution magnifies your achievements. Finally, hikers benefit from geolocation. Your ZACs are delimited, you benefit from photographs by drone, all this on a single interactive map hostable on your website to promote your attractiveness.
Municipal pack from €5,000 excluding VAT.
Pack for communities of municipalities and departments and natural parks.
Possible application to industrial sites.
For the management of your cemeteries, benefit from the best possible service thanks to SMART cemeteries to do without plans, benefit from precise and simple visualization, geolocation of the deceased and support you in your administrative procedures (land projection, recovery of graves, fine relaunch of concession). Reduce the time spent in the field and allow families to see the state of maintenance of monuments remotely.
Géosmartic • L'information géographique HD et 3D
Avec Géosmartic, bénéficiez d'orthoimages aériennes très haute résolution, de cartographies HD et de modélisation 3D de votre environnement.