ensō rse
[Automatic translation follows] The CSR platform for accountants engaged in sustainable development - Innest 2023 accelerator winner -
The CSR platform of chartered accountants committed. ENSō CSR allows the chartered accountant to become the main actor in sustainable development with its customers, to launch and manage their CSR strategies with ease.
The value proposal is to initiate CSR procedures within VSE/SME customers of the firm using a segmentation and marketing tool. Then, it is a question of carrying out a 360 diagnosis with all the stakeholders, and of establishing with the chartered accountant a CSR strategy. ENSō CSR will allow you to control the process based on our levers and actions library in order to automatically publish a customizable extra-financial report.
2023 winner of the Accelerator of the Order of Chartered Accountants in Paris: Innest
CSR, sustainability, sustainable development, ESG, carbon footprint, extra -financial assessment, and CSR diag
ensō rse, la plateforme pour les experts-comptables engagés
Bienvenue sur ensō rse, la première plateforme RSE dédiée aux experts-comptables pour leurs clients TPE/PME.