The consultancy specialized in strategies to reduce ocean plastics
ConsultantSeas is a consulting firm specialized in marine plastic pollution reduction strategies. It supports companies in the plastics value chain in the development, implementation and evaluation of their CSR strategy to reduce their plastic impact. The firm is also recognized for its expertise in the coordination of multi-stakeholder projects on the plastic topic. Finally, ConsultantSeas acts as a technical expert on plastics issues for missions both at the strategic level and in the field.
We are convinced that a desirable future requires the preservation of the ocean and biodiversity. ConsultantSeas' mission is to prevent plastic pollution in the ocean, by acting at the heart of the problem, upstream of the pollution.
Prévenir la pollution plastique, Réduire l’empreinte plastique , Conseil pour la définition d’une stratégie RSE plastique, Economie circulaire, Projet multi-acteurs, Conduite de projets pilotes, Accompagnement opérationnel , Expertise technique , Respect de la hiérarchie des déchets, Réemploi, Hôtellerie, Grande distribution, Agro-alimentaire, Cosmétique, Ateliers collaboratifs , and Interface sciences-société-industries
ConsultantSeas - Accueil
ConsultantSeas est un cabinet de conseil spécialisé dans les stratégies de réduction du plastique dans l’océan.