Creating the next biotech cities in the world through unique technologies powered by nature.
From living biological batteries below earth that generate energy, save water and compensate heat; to bioluminescent plants, able to reduce energy use and light pollution; and even biological activators, using leaves to create automations between the human beings and plants, are some of the unique biotechnologies developed in our labs.
Bioo is ideating, installing and developing buildings and parks around the planet by becoming its biotech partner, not only incorporating the first system in the world that recovers the economical investment of its green areas, but also providing a real symbiosis between nature and technology while absorbing CO2. All, without damaging any living being in the process, and enhancing our natural ecosystems.
We move towards the next biotech revolution.
Renewable Energy, Green Electricity, Greentech, Biotech, and Green Technologies
Bioo | Official Site
Creating the next biotech cities and buildings in the world through unique technologies powered by nature. From biological batteries to bioluminescent plants and biological activators, Bioo is implementing unique biotechnologies in green and urban areas. Installing projects capable of generating electricity from nature and recovering the investment of any green zone, working as a biotechnological partner and landscaper capable of creating biotechnological marvels around the planet.