The BeeGuard hive remote monitoring solution permits to measure what bees already know about local biodiversity
Connected hive specialist, BeeGuard designs, manufactures and markets hives sensors and software to evaluate bees activity and Health.
This 360° solution helps beekeepers, farmers, industrials and public authority to understand what the bees already know about local Biodiversity and environment quality.
Beekeepers can maximize their travel and schedule to synchronize perfectly with their bees.
Farmers, industrials and public authority can evaluate the lack of biodiversity by using data. They could choose the best way to positively impact biodiversity and engage a process of continuous improvement. Data are generate in continu during the year and are a robust support to prove the real impact green action.
Ruche connectée, Capteurs pour ruches, Apiculture numérique, Intelligence artificielle pour apiculture, Indicateur biodiversité, agroécologie, AGTECH, Mesure impact biodiversité, and IA analyse du vivant
BeeGuard : La Ruche Connectée [Suivi Ruche] | Beeguard
BeeGuard : la ruche connectée accompagne apiculteurs, agriculteurs et gestionnaire de territoire à la prise de décision pour lutter contre l'effondrement de la biodiversité et en particuliers des pollinisateurs.