[Automatic translation follows] Environmental biomonitoring by bees
Apilab is an international consultancy firm specializing in environmental monitoring by bees. We install hives in order to assess the quality of the environment and promote our clients' environmental policies.
Apilab's unique technical expertise allows us to:
- Assess the impact of human activities on the environment (pollution by PAHs, heavy metals, dioxins, particles)
- Assess the health of bees in response to human activities
- Assess the effectiveness of actions in favor of biodiversity at the local level
- Involve your stakeholders in your sustainable development policies
Participate in the protection of bees by effectively assessing the quality of your environment and by communicating in an innovative way on your sustainable development policies!
Apilab has a mission to improve bee health by conducting cutting edge research. We see bees as the ultimate tie that binds food security, climate change, and ecological preservation.
In partnership with the world’s first and largest honeybee biomonitoring network, Apilab analyzes data to elucidate trends and advance our understanding of global pollinator decline. We aim to develop nature-based solutions, to stabilize honeybee health, and then extend those approaches to other, less studied species of pollinators.
Environmental monitoring, Pollutant measurement, Beekeeping research office, Bioindicator hive, Biomonitoring, Sustainable development, and hive in business
Accueil - Apilab
Expert en biosurveillance par l'abeille Apilab évalue la biodiversité et l'impact des activités humaines sur l’environnement et les pollinisateurs. --- Les abeilles sauvages et mellifères sont de véritables sentinelles de l’environnement. Elles collectent et bio-accumulent les éléments présents dans la nature. Apilab a créé une méthode qui permet d’obtenir des indicateurs scientifiques, facilement intégrables dans