Blue economy and ocean restoration
Sustainable use, conservation, and restoration of ocean and coastal resources
2. Specific Technologies
Blue economy and ocean restoration
[Automatic translation follows] Innovation for aquatic biodiversity Ecocean innovates, repopulates and restores aquatic ecosystems, raises awareness of the challenges of their preservation and protection, thus positioning itself as a major driver of change in the rehabilitation of these fragile environments. ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION, FISHING & REARING DEVICES, DIAGNOSTIC USES, SUSTAINABLE REARING, … [see more]
Technology for Aquatic Research Centres LUXAQUA provides technology (LSS / RAS) and facility design services (consulting & engineering) to public aquarium, research institutes & land based aquaculture. 15 years experience and many turnkey project on behalf of Marine biologists, Researchers, Aquarists, Curators, Technician. Feel free to contact us for your … [see more]