900+ Naturetech solutions in a single Database
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Ecosystem restoration
🌿 Making Farm Biodiversity Investable 🌿 Make your raw-material sourcing regenerative. Move from fragile supply chains to resilient supply ecosystems. We are developing the bridges to bring global investments to the ground to create genuine impact in biodiversity and regeneration. We envision a world where stewardship of life is in … [see more]
Regenerating living ecosystems 🌱 Our mission: to regenerate terrestrial ecosystems on a large scale to tackle global challenges using field experience, local communities, science and technology. Since its inception in 2010, Reforest'Action has implemented more than 1,500 projects in 45 countries, mainly through funding from over 3,500 companies. As a … [see more]
Environmental Land Company Investing in biodiversity. Because it makes sense We purchase sites of natural importance in the Czech Republic. Rare pieces of the landscape that have managed to retain a healthy habitat, as well as damaged areas that need to be restored. Each site in our portfolio is different … [see more]
Regen Network Development PBC
Building carbon market infrastructure on the Regen Network blockchain to help the world finance climate action About Regen Network Development PBC Started in 2017, Regen Network Development PBC (Public Benefit Corp) is the blockchain software development company powering the Regen Network blockchain protocol. RND is the core software developer of … [see more]
We restore native forests in the Amazon and the Atlantic Florest We will restore one million hectares in the Amazon and Atlantic forests, fostering biodiversity conservation and capturing 15 million tons of carbon per year. We sustainably manage forest products and support the development of local communities. Mercado de Carbono, … [see more]
We support farmers & corporates in the transition to Regenerative Agriculture. At reNature, we're dedicated to making regenerative agriculture the norm. We offer agronomic technical support, monitor impact metrics, and facilitate access to off-takers and carbon markets. Thus, we address climate change and biodiversity loss while securing food and income … [see more]
Rhizocore Technologies
Working with symbiotic fungi to grow healthier, more resilient forests. At Rhizocore, we develop technologies to grow symbiotic fungi that enhance the growth, resilience, and carbon sequestration potential of newly planted forests and woodlands. Whether it is for woodland restoration, commercial productivity, increasing tolerance to environmental stresses or capturing more … [see more]
We develop tech and science to help farmers regenerate their land and earn rewards for their ecological outcomes. Somos una empresa B. Generamos incentivos de mercado atados a resultados ecológicos cuantificables para acelerar la transición de productores agropecuarios hacia un modelo de producción que regenera el ecosistema, recuperando la biodiversidad, … [see more]
Sand to Green
We cultivate deserts to create arable lands through desalination and agroforestry. Our plantations are green investment. Agriculture is the second bigger CO2 emittor sector, mainly because of deforestation and our need of arables lands to feed an ever growing population. From Sand to Green tackle this problem by creating new … [see more]
HOW to save a planet. Savimbo sells fair-trade carbon credits. Buy direct from smallfarmers in tropical forests to go carbon neutral, for global good. Grow something great! We’re a social enterprise. Our nonprofit arm helps smallfarmers and Indigenous groups in tropical forests with land rights, literacy, bank accounts, and community-led … [see more]
Seawater Solutions
Promoting climate resilience in agriculture. Looking for global partners on saltmarsh creation projects for agriculture. Helping communities turn degraded land into wetland ecosystems for climate adaptation, carbon sequestration, and regenerative agro-ecologies. Ecoservices, Coastal defence, Biodiversity , salinisation, and carbon capture [see more]
We help you neutralise your emissions at zero risk so you can achieve your net-zero goals. Neutralising unavoidable emissions is necessary for every company to reach net-zero, but carbon markets haven't been trustworthy. Our platform helps eliminate the risk of investing in carbon removal projects and is covered by our … [see more]
Seq Solutions
A technology and operations platform scaling high integrity nature-based solutions to climate change Seq Solutions (http://seq.solutions) is building and commercializing a massive pipeline of shovel-ready carbon removal, working closely with our partners to digitize, derisk, and simplify the design & certification of the highest integrity projects. Bioremediation, Measurement & Verification, … [see more]
Wir kombinieren Drohnen, Pellets & Pioniersaaten für den ganzheitlichen Wiederaufbau von (Wald)Ökosystemen. Skyseed combines drones, pelletized seeds and knowledge about forest-ecology to analyse trees & soils to deliver smart and sustainable reforestation in Germany and across Europe. As a service & at scale. [see more]
Southeast Land and Water Management
We partner with you to create a safe land and water management plan for your Florida waterbody. Southeast Land and Water Management partners with you to create a safe land and water management plan for your Florida waterbody. Our goal is to provide enduring, long-term solutions at the best value/cost … [see more]
Stock CO2 | Certifiée B Corp TM
[Automatic translation follows] 🚀 Carbon offset operator in France 🇫🇷 ✨ Accelerating the ecological transition of territories 🌳🌾🐄🏗️🍏 Stock CO2 is a B Corp certified company whose mission is to accelerate the French ecological transition by supporting forestry and agricultural projects. With more than 2 million trees planted and hundreds … [see more]
Symbiose Management
Agissons ensemble pour la nature, décarbonons notre économie 🌳 Act together for nature, let's decarbonize our economy Envie d’avoir un impact positif sur l’environnement ? Créons ensemble la symbiose entre nature et épargne. L'objectif est de proposer le premier produit d’investissement négatif-carbone, concret et transparent. Notre solution utilise la technologie … [see more]
Taking Root
We enable smallholder farmers to grow trees and earn money from the carbon they remove from the atmosphere. Taking Root’s purpose is to accelerate the restoration of the world’s forests. We enable smallholder farmers to grow trees and earn money from the carbon they remove from the atmosphere. Our technology … [see more]
TBN Atlantic Rainforest
Highest quality carbon credits generated in Brazil from by biodiverse reforestation projects with unrivaled permanence. TBN Atlantic Rainforest’s Carbon Credits: All the biodiversity benefits of 100% Nature Based Solutions combined with the permanence of geologically-significant sequestration. Our team of ecological reforestation experts have conducted reforestation projects in Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest … [see more]
tentree is a lifestyle apparel company that plants ten trees for every item purchased The beautiful landscape we know and love is fast disappearing. At tentree, we believe that we can inspire a new group of consumers to tackle the environmental issues we are now faced with. By planting ten … [see more]
Terra Innova
[Automatic translation follows] Agroecological valuation of construction site land - Let's renature our environment thanks to your excavated land! Agronomic and environmental valuation of construction site land *** Valorization of spoil: Environmental, technical, logistical and urban planning engineering for the creation of agricultural valorization sites *** Hedgerows on embankments *** … [see more]
Tomorrow's carbon market. Thallo exists to scale climate action. Our mission is to build the infrastructure to underpin the carbon market of the future. To achieve this, we build cutting-edge software that enables efficient transactions between project developers and companies seeking to offset their carbon emissions. blockchain, web3, climate tech, … [see more]
The Generation Forest
[Automatic translation follows] The Generation Forest plants tropical forests to stop global climate change. We want to help ensure that each generation passes our earth on in a better condition in the future. We plant large deforested areas in the tropics with a biodiverse, economically and ecologically sensible permanent forest. … [see more]
NBS project developer building & operating NBS real assets to tackle biodiversity loss, climate change & rural poverty OUR MISSION: TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE! The SHARED WOOD COMPANY (SWC) is a nature based solutions project developer, whose mission is to design, build and operate NBS real assets at scale to … [see more]
We harness plants with the unique ability to turn CO2 into minerals in the soil, permanently removing atmospheric CO2 Tierra Foods is a climate tech startup committed to harnessing the power of oxalogenic plants, enhanced by science and technology for permanent carbon removal & restoration of nature. We use biomineralisation-capable … [see more]
Treeapp supports businesses & individuals to make a difference through tree planting & carbon offsetting solutions. Treeapp is a global tree planting organization operating sites across the world, supporting both businesses & individuals to make a difference. We specialise in working with businesses to integrate tree planting directly into their … [see more]
Plant a tree with just one click, follow its story online and experience your impact virtually. #LetsGreenThePlanet Treedom is the first website in the world that allows you to plant a tree remotely and follow it online. Since its launch, Treedom has planted more than 4,000,000 trees in Africa, Latin … [see more]
TreeEra Inc.
TreeEra helps businesses and individuals reduce their carbon footprint by planting trees. TreeEra sprouted on the grounds between a belief in climate change and a lack of knowing how to help. While there are many ways to reduce our carbon footprint, we wanted to provide people with a convenient and … [see more]
Tree Plantation
Invest in a solid future. Appreciate green assets. Build biomass plantations. Protect supply with tree nurseries. Grow $ Tree Plantation uses proprietary technologies to grow trees for reforestation, to combat climate change, to generate and trade carbon credits, to save endangered tree species, to grow renewable energy biomass, to rewild … [see more]
Making conservation everyone's business. ValueNature is creating a complete biodiversity investment opportunity for ESG fund managers in the form of a new class of nature-based commodity credits, a Biodiversity Credit representing the wildlife, from insects to frogs and the mammals to birds of an area, and a Natural Carbon Credit … [see more]
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