900+ Naturetech solutions in a single Database
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Green finance and investment
bettervest GmbH
Together we have an impact, one investment at a time. IMPACT INVESTING bettervest is an online investment platform that finances sustainable development projects across the globe. With the help of ordinary citizens, we provide companies or organisations with the financial means to implement renewable energy as well as energy and … [see more]
EQX Biome
Biodiversity Finance We mobilize financial markets and carbon markets to protect the world’s remaining biodiversity. Our solutions are focused on financing large-scale, high-stakes conservation efforts around the world, creating a trusted market for Biodiversity-Carbon Credits and to offer nature-based investments. Securities-related services are provided through EQX LLC, member of FINRA … [see more]
A sustainable investing platform for people who care about their impact. Join now: http://grunfin.com 🌳 Certified B-Corp. We're building an easy, sustainable investing platform for people who care about their impact. Green portfolios for: - yourself - your kids - your companies - your employees Join now: http://grunfin.com [see more]